Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Dream

This is a reposting of a dream I had in November of 2001 and which Winnie remembers to this day and has written a poem about. What a memory you have, Winnie … you are amazing.

I was walking alone through a deciduous forest. The path I followed was narrow. The dappled effect of the sun shining through the leaves was mesmerizing. I passed a couple of rustic cabins with sheep and goats about. Along the way I met a wizened little man carrying a bunch of colorful balloons. He smiled but we did not stop to speak. I paused here and there to take pictures although I was not aware of carrying a camera or a bag/pack of any kind. When I came out of the forest, I found myself standing on a headland high above the scintillating surf. Off to my right I could see several towering rocks, like fingers pointing toward the sky. A rustic sign identified them as Shakespeare Crags, BC. Close to where I stood and old Indian woman was sitting on a tallow bench. Beside her, on the bench, was a simple sign that indicated that she was selling kisses. As I approached her, she said, "Everyone is a princess." She repeated the words as I bent to kiss her.

And that, my friends is where I woke up.



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